Judges: Rich Beauchesne/Seacoast Media Group, Deb Cram/Seacoast Media Group, Joey Raptis/Seacoast Media Group, John Huf/Seacoast Media Group
Judges: Rich Beauchesne/Seacoast Media Group, Deb Cram/Seacoast Media Group, Joey Raptis/Seacoast Media Group, John Huf/Seacoast Media Group
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Judges Comments
First Place: "Shooting" a powerful reaction to a shooting. Great moment in a tense situation. Second Place: "Lost it All" A women reacting as she shows a family member the loss of her apartment complex on her phone. Nice and clean day after fire photograph. Third Place: "Rollover" Classic news photo of a shaken young man following a crazy car wreck. Well done!