Brian O'MahoneyFor the Chicago Tribune Media Group
Judges Comments
Lots of really good work in this category. Peak action, great focus, well cropped. There were a few definite features in this category that might have placed if entered as such. The diving volleyball dig shot was an immediate first place for us. The composition, body language,face, tack sharp, perfect moment, there was no question. After that we had a lot of discussion over a lot of good football action. In second, the one-handed catch shot was wellcomposed, sharp, the peak moment. In third we liked the clean composition and peak action of the face mask.
Sean D. Elliot/The Day, Peter Huoppi/The Day, Tim Cook/The Day
Judges Comments
Lots of really good work in this category. Peak action, great focus, well cropped. There were a few definite features in this category that might have placed if entered as such. The diving volleyball dig shot was an immediate first place for us. The composition, body language,face, tack sharp, perfect moment, there was no question. After that we had a lot of discussion over a lot of good football action. In second, the one-handed catch shot was wellcomposed, sharp, the peak moment. In third we liked the clean composition and peak action of the face mask.