1st Place
Corey PerrineThe Wall Street Journal
2nd Place
Aimee DilgerTimes Leader
Ralph Barrera/Austin AmericanStatesman, James Gregg/Austin AmericanStatesman, Nell Carroll/Austin AmericanStatesman, Deborah Cannon/Austin AmericanStatesman, Tamir Kalifa/Austin AmericanStatesman
Judges Comments
This category was the weakest of the entries, but the story of the the drug streets of Camden, NJ was well done although lacking in a complete sense. Great imagery carried this to the top. Second went to the Lynn and Dave story. Again several nice images but a few too many repetitive photos to keep it from rising up. We did not award a third place for lack of solid storytelling by definition. There were some nice images in various entries but the judges felt they weren't enough to carry the essay. Sorry!