1. Baseball – strong moment, unique body language, nice light.
2. Steeplechase- would have been nice to see crop from the left a
little to clean it up, this may have helped it rise to first place. Or take
the cop only around the splashing athlete.
3. High Kick – unusual story, clean angle, great composition. A nice
surprise for the judges.
Ross Taylor/University of Colorado Boulder, Erika Schultz/The Seattle Times, Bettina Hansen/The Seattle Times
Judges Comments
1. Baseball – strong moment, unique body language, nice light. 2. Steeplechase- would have been nice to see crop from the left a little to clean it up, this may have helped it rise to first place. Or take the cop only around the splashing athlete. 3. High Kick – unusual story, clean angle, great composition. A nice surprise for the judges.