Every region has at least one basketball coach who believes that they're bigger than the game and since they're technically part of the competition, they shouldn't be over-looked. 1st place found him. 2nd place was a great moment of a team enjoying victory. Put the long glass down at the final buzzer and go get intimate with a wide angle. 3rd place was a common photo of taunting fans, but most people will always smile when they see pictures like this.
Judges Comments
Every region has at least one basketball coach who believes that they're bigger than the game and since they're technically part of the competition, they shouldn't be over-looked. 1st place found him. 2nd place was a great moment of a team enjoying victory. Put the long glass down at the final buzzer and go get intimate with a wide angle. 3rd place was a common photo of taunting fans, but most people will always smile when they see pictures like this.