1st Place
Cody DutyThe Houston Chronicle
2nd Place
Michael DeMockerThe Times-Picayune
3rd Place
Michael DeMockerThe Times-Picayune
Kris Wilson/Jefferson City News Tribune, Kile Brewer/Jefferson City News Tribune, Leah Beane/Jefferson City News Tribune
Judges Comments
Overall, we were impressed by this category's content for how few entries there were. Alternate, love the colors despite the casual spot news scene. Not a whole lot of activity going on, and some judges were concerned with the inaccuracy of the white balance, resulting in the lower placing. Third, loved the moment despite the standard spot news situation. Second, interesting details in what could have been a standard "people taking picture" moment. Loving the flip phone and the cigarette and the overall humorous feel considering the situation. First, great composition, interesting sense of color, nice detail with the little person on the right.