All of the stories could have used a tighter edit but we felt that the following stories stood out. 1. The story wasn't as in depth as second place but the use of different lenses helped to move the story along. 2. There were definitely strong moments but the judges would like to have seen more variety in lens use and different scenes that were not all on the boat. Would have benefited from strong opening and closing shots. 3. Same applies to this story. The shot of the dog showing his teeth stood out for the judges. There were definitely strong images but again a tighter edit would help.
Dougal Brownlie/St. Joseph News-Press, Jessica Stewart/St. Joseph News-Press
Judges Comments
All of the stories could have used a tighter edit but we felt that the following stories stood out. 1. The story wasn't as in depth as second place but the use of different lenses helped to move the story along. 2. There were definitely strong moments but the judges would like to have seen more variety in lens use and different scenes that were not all on the boat. Would have benefited from strong opening and closing shots. 3. Same applies to this story. The shot of the dog showing his teeth stood out for the judges. There were definitely strong images but again a tighter edit would help.