We knew first place was our winner immediately. First has a clean composition, and the lines draw the viewer right into the frame. Second place was a sort of comical photograph from a news event that was executed well. Third place was a nice moment with a clean composition from a large news event. One thing we noticed out of this category was how many multiple picture entries there were. There were multiple instances where one single image out of a multiple entry could have made our top three, but didn't because it was watered down by the multiple.
Joe Ahlquist/Argus Leader Media, Jay Pickthorn/Argus Leader Media
Judges Comments
We knew first place was our winner immediately. First has a clean composition, and the lines draw the viewer right into the frame. Second place was a sort of comical photograph from a news event that was executed well. Third place was a nice moment with a clean composition from a large news event. One thing we noticed out of this category was how many multiple picture entries there were. There were multiple instances where one single image out of a multiple entry could have made our top three, but didn't because it was watered down by the multiple.