1st Place
Brian O'MahoneyChicago Tribune Media Group
2nd Place
Stephen MallyThe Gazette
3rd Place
Jacob BykMarshfield News-Herald
Lloyd Fox/The Baltimore Sun, Ken Lam/The Baltimore Sun, Emma Patti Harris/The Baltimore Sun, Jerry Jackson/The Baltimore Sun
Judges Comments
Sports was clearly the toughest category to judge. There were many excellent images and it was hard picking just three. First place was a home plate slide with the catcher not able to hang onto the ball. The light was great, the umpire staring in, a great crop and the ball just floating in mid-air made this our winner. Second place was a helmet flying off the head of a football receiver after being hit. There were two photographers that made the same image, but this one was shot a little tighter and was a little bit cleaner in the background. Third place was a hit batter at a baseball game.