Judges: Bob Hallinen/Alaska Dispatch News, Tara Young/Alaska Dispatch News, Marc Lester/Alaska Dispatch News, Loren Holmes/Alaska Dispatch News, Erik Hill/Alaska Dispatch News
Judges: Bob Hallinen/Alaska Dispatch News, Tara Young/Alaska Dispatch News, Marc Lester/Alaska Dispatch News, Loren Holmes/Alaska Dispatch News, Erik Hill/Alaska Dispatch News
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Judges Comments
1st is a classic basketball action shot. We liked the intertwining arms, the nice light defining the arm muscles and the hand isolating the eye of the shooter. 2nd is a nice tight shot of the winning boxer leaping above his downed opponent with the refs arm counting him out. And like the 1st place winner, it had a clean background. 3rd is a ski crash. All three of the winners are classic photos that benefit from being tight on the action.