1st Place
James M. PattersonValley News
2nd Place
Robin ChanWicked Local
3rd Place
Marc VasconcellosBrockton Enterprise
Bob Hallinen/Alaska Dispatch News, Tara Young/Alaska Dispatch News, Marc Lester/Alaska Dispatch News, Loren Holmes/Alaska Dispatch News, Erik Hill/Alaska Dispatch News
Judges Comments
In general all of these stories would have been better with a tighter edit. We often say this after judging but it seems to be more of a problem in this judging then most. 1st place of the gentleman in conflict with officials over his home needed the least editing. It had the most photos of moments. 2nd place of meals on wheels had a couple of really sweet photos, the lady with her hand over her heart and the lady in the fur coat in the kitchen, and then they dropped off after that. The photographer of the 3rd place exchange student story seems like they were able to spend a bit of time working on it, which we appreciated.