West – December 2024 – Feature/Single

Judges Comments

First Place: We were immediately intrigued with “zoo lights.” We like the composition of the photo and how the viewer can tell what's happening, even though it's a very close-up shot. Second Place: “Sky Harbor” stood out to us because of the contrasting light and composition of the photo. The shadows and reflections make for a neat photo. Third Place: We like the expressions on the subjects in “Slide.” The bright sun could be tricky, but the light worked in the photographer's favor as it hit the subjects perfectly at the bottom of the slide. Alternate: “Dancing” is a sharp photo with nice light, and we liked the expression on the dancer's face. Unfortunately, we thought the photo was more “General News” than “Feature.”

Judges: Rachel Govola/The Villages Daily Sun, Sophia Lucente/The Villages Daily Sun, Joseph Cooke/The Villages Daily Sun, George Horsford/The Villages Daily Sun