Judges: Thomas Franklin/Montclair State University, Rebecca Feuerstein/Montclair State University, Nathalia Severino/Montclair State University, Luke Gonzales, Charles Griffith, Mia Hartland, Wyatt, Lardieri Emily McCormick, Kevin Murrugarra, Arieana Rodriguez, Adarlin Batista
Judges Comments
First place shows powerful emotion and tells a compelling story of military deployment, we especially liked the sixth photo in the series of the hug, with strong composition and effective use of depth of field. Second place stands out for its fresh, intimate perspective; the wide-angle close-up adds intrigue and makes the image visually engaging. Third place has creative composition with a pleasing balance and juxtaposition. It’s a simple image, yet rich with historical significance. The alternate has vibrant colors, shallow DOF creates interesting layers, immediately draws the eye.