This category was a little leaner than what we're used to seeing, but
the top four definitely stood out. First place was a well thought out
and well executed feature. Good job by the photographer for seeing
the scene differently than what most would notice. Not that we doubt
the photographer, but because of how clean and just right the image
was, we can only hope this was a natural capture in the course of
action and not staged. We're siding with the honor system here.
Second place gave us both a chuckle. Based on the fielder's face we
spent far too much time wondering what NSFW words were running
through her head at that exact moment. We like how our eyes went
straight to the tennis player's eye in the third place shot. Covering
local sports almost daily we understand how tricky that particular shot
can be to get, so kudos for capturing it with just the right focal point.
Honorable mention goes to the behind-the-net soccer goal shot. We
liked the frame, we just didn't care for how busy the background was.
We understand that's beyond the photographer's control, however it's
the little things like that that separate a place on the podium and an
honorable mention.
Kris Wilson/Jefferson City News Tribune, Kile Brewer/Jefferson City News Tribune
Judges Comments
This category was a little leaner than what we're used to seeing, but the top four definitely stood out. First place was a well thought out and well executed feature. Good job by the photographer for seeing the scene differently than what most would notice. Not that we doubt the photographer, but because of how clean and just right the image was, we can only hope this was a natural capture in the course of action and not staged. We're siding with the honor system here. Second place gave us both a chuckle. Based on the fielder's face we spent far too much time wondering what NSFW words were running through her head at that exact moment. We like how our eyes went straight to the tennis player's eye in the third place shot. Covering local sports almost daily we understand how tricky that particular shot can be to get, so kudos for capturing it with just the right focal point. Honorable mention goes to the behind-the-net soccer goal shot. We liked the frame, we just didn't care for how busy the background was. We understand that's beyond the photographer's control, however it's the little things like that that separate a place on the podium and an honorable mention.