Some fun moments in this category. Photographers should good judgement putting themselves in the correct place and continuing to shoot even after the action was "over."
First: Good work keeping the player exiting the field in the frame with the catcher mocking him. Those baseball players are real characters. Proper depth of field provides visual hierarchy.
Second: Judges made the executive decision to keep this photo because it is BOTH Sports Action and Sports Feature. Well Done!
Third: The celebration photo with the most faces of the winners. With a cool trophy like that, judges were happy to see it in the frame. Although cropping from the left removing a bit of the scoreboard would improve the impact.
Caroline Couig/Independent visials editor, Bradley E. Clift/Contract Photographer - U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Judges Comments
Some fun moments in this category. Photographers should good judgement putting themselves in the correct place and continuing to shoot even after the action was "over." First: Good work keeping the player exiting the field in the frame with the catcher mocking him. Those baseball players are real characters. Proper depth of field provides visual hierarchy. Second: Judges made the executive decision to keep this photo because it is BOTH Sports Action and Sports Feature. Well Done! Third: The celebration photo with the most faces of the winners. With a cool trophy like that, judges were happy to see it in the frame. Although cropping from the left removing a bit of the scoreboard would improve the impact.