Also not the strongest category. First- Photographer waited for an opening in the smoke to create this picture. The colors are eye-catching and make for a beautiful picture even though it is spot news. Second- The photographer was at the right place and captured emotion, not just the flames. Again, a tighter crop would have added more impact. Third- This is just an unusual moment. Why isn't this man putting out the fire of these documents? It gave us comic relief inside a serious moment.
Mindy Schauer/Orange County Register, Jeff Gritchen/Orange County Register, Paul Rodriguez/Freelance
Judges Comments
Also not the strongest category. First- Photographer waited for an opening in the smoke to create this picture. The colors are eye-catching and make for a beautiful picture even though it is spot news. Second- The photographer was at the right place and captured emotion, not just the flames. Again, a tighter crop would have added more impact. Third- This is just an unusual moment. Why isn't this man putting out the fire of these documents? It gave us comic relief inside a serious moment.