Judges: Scott Threlkeld/The Times-Picayune|NOLA.com, David Grunfeld/The Times-Picayune|NOLA.com, Brett Duke/The Times-Picayune|NOLA.com
Judges: Scott Threlkeld/The Times-Picayune|NOLA.com, David Grunfeld/The Times-Picayune|NOLA.com, Brett Duke/The Times-Picayune|NOLA.com
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Judges Comments
The winnersshow the aftermath of gun violence in an unnamed American city, which we found curious. First place had a clean view of a detective examining a bicycle near evidence markers. Second place features a tight shot of an officer examining a bullet hole in a windshield. The fact his face is hidden heightens the unease viewing the image. Third place captures an officer surrounded by numerous evidence markers, a grim reminder that a mother and her two-year-old child were shot at the scene.