First place rose to the top quickly. It's a great angle, very clean, interesting lighting, and an unusual angle.
Second place was a nice behind the scenes image captured by the photographer. The photographer captured the emotion of the player with the image. Also a clean composition for what usually is a cluttered background.
Third place has great color, composition, and expression. Having a funny sign also helps tell the story of the rivalry between the two towns/schools.
Robin Chan/Gannett, Ken McGagh/Gannett, David Sokol/Gannett, Art Illman/Gannett
Judges Comments
First place rose to the top quickly. It's a great angle, very clean, interesting lighting, and an unusual angle. Second place was a nice behind the scenes image captured by the photographer. The photographer captured the emotion of the player with the image. Also a clean composition for what usually is a cluttered background. Third place has great color, composition, and expression. Having a funny sign also helps tell the story of the rivalry between the two towns/schools.