Strong entries throughout the Sports Action category that had judges going back and forth between a fair number of contenders. Settled on the first place winner because of it's peak moment intensity and overall execution. Second place is frame we've seen before, but still unique enough to elevate it above some others. Third place really needed a re-tone, but it is still a great capture, immersing the viewer into the action.
John Hart/Wisconsin State Journal, Amber Arnold/Wisconsin State Journal, Kayla Wolf/Wisconsin State Journal
Judges Comments
Strong entries throughout the Sports Action category that had judges going back and forth between a fair number of contenders. Settled on the first place winner because of it's peak moment intensity and overall execution. Second place is frame we've seen before, but still unique enough to elevate it above some others. Third place really needed a re-tone, but it is still a great capture, immersing the viewer into the action.