Judges: Kent Porter/Santa Rosa Press Democrat, Beth Schlanker/Santa Rosa Press Democrat, Christopher Chung/Santa Rosa Press Democrat
Judges: Kent Porter/Santa Rosa Press Democrat, Beth Schlanker/Santa Rosa Press Democrat, Christopher Chung/Santa Rosa Press Democrat
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Judges Comments
The feature category took awhile to sort out the almost's from the almost's. Competitive category. 1st place was a standout for composition, even though it would have done well in sports feature. Without the player on the video screen, the image would not have worked as well, nice timing and a little luck with cheering fans. 2nd place of the youngster getting a haircut was a nice moment, good composition with just the right amount of backlight. 3rd place was a quiet moment, looks like the photographer was looking for the framing, but when the boy threw his head back, it gave it a nice moment, but the window becomes more intrusive, still a nice solid photograph.