Judges: Kelly Presnell/Arizona Daily Star, Rick Wiley/Arizona Daily Star, Mamta Popat/Arizona Daily Star, Josh Galemore Arizona Daily Star, Rebecca Sasnett Arizona Daily Star
Judges: Kelly Presnell/Arizona Daily Star, Rick Wiley/Arizona Daily Star, Mamta Popat/Arizona Daily Star, Josh Galemore Arizona Daily Star, Rebecca Sasnett Arizona Daily Star
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Judges Comments
This category generated the most amount of discussion. First was an image of a law enforcement officer indiscriminately loosing a blast of pepper spray; in the midst of action frame conveying the confusion of the situation. Second was a heartbreaker: what could of been a great image of a hogtied woman being carried off by three indifferent officers - and an irrelevant tree taking up the left third of the frame. Third is an overhead drone shot of a downed tree blocking a road and on a truck. Judges thought it a unique take on showing the storm damage.