1st Place
Kevin RivoliThe Citizen
2nd Place
Harry Scull Jr.The Buffalo News
3rd Place
Harry Scull Jr.The Buffalo News
Allison Lee Isley/Winston-Salem Journal, Caitlin Penna/Western Carolina University, Johnny Andrews/University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Judges Comments
First place: This is image stood out from the other entries immediately. It is a quiet and peaceful scene with vibrant colors. Second place: Although this situation (kids playing in water sprinklers or fountains) is very overdone, the photographer made a well composed frame that stood out. We love that it looks like he is flying. Third place: This is a nice moment found amongst a somewhat chaotic situation. It isn’t a typical feature photo and we weren’t sure if it belonged in this category but after some discussion we felt like it worked because it seemed like this was a separate moment from the planned event.