Strongest category this month. Interesting that all three that placed
went to reaction photos as opposed to action. We felt like they got
closer to the heart of good sports photography, capturing emotion and
intensity, and telling a story (or the story of the game). The action
photos all seemed to fall into predictable imagery. People often try to
replicate things they've seen before, but trying to see things you
haven't seen before OR trying to see things differently is what
elevates an image. We liked the 1st place shot because it felt raw,
imperfect and emotional. The energy is palatable as if we're there.
2nd place - captures a nice moment, but could've been framed a little
differently for more impact (or had a little more face on the kid being
held up). 3rd - Like the energy, and emotion, it's a fun jube pic,
especially with the player's body language.
Melissa Lyttle/Independent Photojournalist, Sol Neelman/Weird Sports Photographer
Judges Comments
Strongest category this month. Interesting that all three that placed went to reaction photos as opposed to action. We felt like they got closer to the heart of good sports photography, capturing emotion and intensity, and telling a story (or the story of the game). The action photos all seemed to fall into predictable imagery. People often try to replicate things they've seen before, but trying to see things you haven't seen before OR trying to see things differently is what elevates an image. We liked the 1st place shot because it felt raw, imperfect and emotional. The energy is palatable as if we're there. 2nd place - captures a nice moment, but could've been framed a little differently for more impact (or had a little more face on the kid being held up). 3rd - Like the energy, and emotion, it's a fun jube pic, especially with the player's body language.