Judges: Martin Smith-Rodden/Ball State University, Kevin Moloney/Ball State University, Ryan Sparrow/Ball State University, Gabriel Tait/Ball State University
Judges: Martin Smith-Rodden/Ball State University, Kevin Moloney/Ball State University, Ryan Sparrow/Ball State University, Gabriel Tait/Ball State University
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Judges Comments
The two pieces on the Migrant Caravan quickly rose to the top in this category. First place showed really strong access, sense of intimacy, empathy and a breadth of work that edged it out in the discussion between the two. While it hit some headwinds in our discussion due to what we saw as a rather loose edit, the number of powerful and lyrical images embedded within the submission pushed it to the top. Second place was a beautifully crafted execution of this same story, with a tight edit, arresting as well as arresting imagery of top-tier quality. The funeral procession image was a devastatingly powerful image, with strong interaction between the moment in the car and the background adding the necessary context.