1st Place
Sean D. ElliotThe Day
2nd Place
Peter PereiraThe Standard-Times
3rd Place
Ken McGaghMetroWest Daily News
Bethany Baker/Billings Gazette, Casey Page/Billings Gazette, Larry Mayer/Billings Gazette, Ryan Welch/Billings Gazette, Jim Urquhart/Freelance
Judges Comments
Great visual images in this category. However, the judges really struggled with how the entries fit within the parameters outlined for the category. Nearly all the entries would have done extremely well in the General News category, but none were true in-depth work. First place – Strong visuals, composed and cropped well. Way too much visual redundancy though. Would have been better edited down and reordered. This was the only entry that had a clear and definite beginning, middle, and end. Second – Great visuals, great composition. Some judges saw a story arc in the package, but not as clearly defined as first place. Third place – Lacked a story arc completely. Really needs a definite beginning and end. Also, while all the judges understood the rationale for making the images black and white, they were split on whether or not it added to the package. However, it had a tight edit with well-cropped images of moments.