Judges: Randy Piland/Elon University, Scott Muthersbaugh/Freelance, Andrew Krech/Freelance, Abby Gibbs/Elon News Network, Jessica Rapfogel/Elon News Network
Judges: Randy Piland/Elon University, Scott Muthersbaugh/Freelance, Andrew Krech/Freelance, Abby Gibbs/Elon News Network, Jessica Rapfogel/Elon News Network
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Judges Comments
Understanding spot news is a challenge to begin with and some times just isn't happening on your watch seems to limit the number of entries and stand outs. First went to the response to a mass shooting with clear emotion. The close proximity to the rescue of the dogs, showing the deep water was a solid second. The sink hole held onto to third mainly due to the guy dropping the measuring tape in to check the depth and the sense of place at this intersection.