Judges: Lisa Krantz/San Antonio ExpressNews, Dorothy Edwards/Naples Daily News, Katie Klann/Naples Daily News, Luke Franke/Naples Daily News, Nicole Raucheisen/Naples Daily News, Justin Gilliland/Freelance
Judges: Lisa Krantz/San Antonio ExpressNews, Dorothy Edwards/Naples Daily News, Katie Klann/Naples Daily News, Luke Franke/Naples Daily News, Nicole Raucheisen/Naples Daily News, Justin Gilliland/Freelance
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Judges Comments
First place was a nicely done story with a narrative about a family from Syria. It was well developed and had some strong storytelling images. The judges recommend a tighter edit though. The judges lamented the lack of real stories with narratives. Most entries were collections of images. Second place was a ship homecoming and had some of the best photography in the category.A few of the images had the judges ooohing and ahhhing but it was event coverage, not a story. Third was a nice collection of images from a small town. Again, the judges lamented the lack of a real story line and this story also would have benefited from a tighter edit.