Judges: Rich Beauchesne/Seacoast Media Group, Deb Cram/Seacoast Media Group, Joey Raptis/Seacoast Media Group, John Huf/Seacoast Media Group
Judges: Rich Beauchesne/Seacoast Media Group, Deb Cram/Seacoast Media Group, Joey Raptis/Seacoast Media Group, John Huf/Seacoast Media Group
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Judges Comments
This was a great category to judge filled with some humorous holiday pictures and snow in the south! First Place: "SingingSanta" was an immediate standout with great expression, sweet gestures, and holiday pajamas! Second Place: "SleddingTumble" a great slice of life moment from a sledding kid. The image had peak action, expression and the cracked sled was great. Third Place: "SleetCover" A nice clean weather feature with a splash of color.