Judges: Ralph Barrera/Austin AmericanStatesman, James Gregg/Austin AmericanStatesman, Nell Carroll/Austin AmericanStatesman, Deborah Cannon/Austin AmericanStatesman, Tamir Kalifa/Austin AmericanStatesman
Judges: Ralph Barrera/Austin AmericanStatesman, James Gregg/Austin AmericanStatesman, Nell Carroll/Austin AmericanStatesman, Deborah Cannon/Austin AmericanStatesman, Tamir Kalifa/Austin AmericanStatesman
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Judges Comments
We went back and forth on this category and it took some time to award a winner between first and second. It could still be interchangeable but we went with the facial expression of the flood worker over what could have been a stronger image of the woman's eye if maybe cropped differently. The background was a little distracting. Third place was a lot of light and a lot of work.