First Place – Intense moment. Captures the essence of the case. A difficult shot to make. Note: Caption needs to clarify the woman's relation (we assumed it's the mom, regardless you see the emotion in the eyes). Second Place – Perfect framing. Clean. Nice moment from an event that could have yielded a less thoughtful frame. We appreciate the photographer getting a higher vantage point to make this frame sing Way to go above and beyond. Third Place – This is a less obvious frame, one that to some could be passed over at first glance. However, discovering the subtle visual elements really makes the frame come together and strike a chord on a deeper level. Overall the category was dotted with feature photos that could have fared well in the Feature Single category. Others could have been contenders if they just pulled the strongest image from packages that were redundant or weaker.
Corey Perrine/Freelance, Chloe Elmer/Bucks County Courier Times, Dominick Reuter/Freelance
Judges Comments
First Place – Intense moment. Captures the essence of the case. A difficult shot to make. Note: Caption needs to clarify the woman's relation (we assumed it's the mom, regardless you see the emotion in the eyes). Second Place – Perfect framing. Clean. Nice moment from an event that could have yielded a less thoughtful frame. We appreciate the photographer getting a higher vantage point to make this frame sing Way to go above and beyond. Third Place – This is a less obvious frame, one that to some could be passed over at first glance. However, discovering the subtle visual elements really makes the frame come together and strike a chord on a deeper level. Overall the category was dotted with feature photos that could have fared well in the Feature Single category. Others could have been contenders if they just pulled the strongest image from packages that were redundant or weaker.