1st: Doesn't get much cleaner than this. Nailed the peak action with gorgeous light. 2nd: Multiple image entry that didn't need to be multiple entry. Lead image was more than enough and likely would have won if it had been a stand alone. Also, we were surprised to see a mixture of color and B&W for one entry. 3rd: Could have used a better toning job and tighter crop on the right. Overall though it's the quintessential swimming image that our staff would like to see drop into their CF card.
Drew Nash/Times-News, Pat Sutphin/Times-News
Judges Comments
1st: Doesn't get much cleaner than this. Nailed the peak action with gorgeous light. 2nd: Multiple image entry that didn't need to be multiple entry. Lead image was more than enough and likely would have won if it had been a stand alone. Also, we were surprised to see a mixture of color and B&W for one entry. 3rd: Could have used a better toning job and tighter crop on the right. Overall though it's the quintessential swimming image that our staff would like to see drop into their CF card.