1st Place
Kevin Sullivan KARE
Judges Comments
JW-KSL State Fair Shut Down 7 6 7 6 Liked the fair setup, and pretty impressed anytime you can drop a reveal into a nat pack--- good moments.
RB-KSL State Fair Shut Down 8 8 9 8 I don't really have a lot of criticisms here. I feel like it might've made a little more sense if you'd written a bit for a reporter or anchor to track, but that's just me--I'm not a fan of nat sound packages in general. But you did a great job of putting the mic on a bunch of people, and got some really good, natural stuff. Angry Glasses Guy made the whole thing. You should send him a fruit basket or being such a know-it-all and helping your story. Great work on turning a protest into something compelling...I could tell it was going to be good from the first shot. I don't know how anyone else will vote, but I definitely think this is the winner.
BW-KSL State Fair Shut Down 8 8 8 8 This was a case of I didn't realize I was watching a nat pack till after I was done watching it. Really liked the setup...great transition into the protest...glasses dude was great...just loved the overall structure of this piece. Great job!
MD-KSL State Fair Shut Down 8 9 8 8 Nice opening, strong piece all around. Didn't see the need for the dissolve at the end. Great job
DP-KSL State Fair Shut Down 8 8 8 8 Nice job. The open was compelling. My intrest was keen during the whole story. Great job not including a reporter. Solid nat pack
MW-KSL State Fair Shut Down 9 9 8 9 thought it was great commitment and crafting. Didn't like the out of the blue dissolve at the end. But this was great effort on a nat pack. great work!
WA-KSL State Fair Shut Down 9 9 8 9 Really niccely done, liked the opening. Kept my interest the whole time. Don't think the dissolve at the end was needed. Nice job.
2nd Place
Andrew Konkle WITI
Judges Comments
jw-ksl We got a Good Seat 6 6 7 5 Found a decent character, got a couple decent moments, some good clean video--- But man! that standup! Killed the story... I hope your idiot boss just makes you use a mic flag on standups, because you were working the lav well otherwise... That Stick mic is brutal though, and sadly its the most memorable things about the story as I write this 5 minutes after watching it.
RB-KSL We got a Good Seat 6 7 7 7 I understand some stations require standups, or some reporters are desperate to do them, but I think part of the job is trying to figure out something for them to show. There may not be a need for a standup (there rarely is), but there's a way to at least make it seem like it wasn't shoehorned in. Also, the story was all over the place. I don't feel like naming the different departments or talking about drinking water and taking breaks adds anything. I would have stuck with the guy who shot the cell phone video, maybe had him talk about the history of that building and why it was being knocked down. Which is a shame, because your shooting, editing, and audio are all on point. Maybe you could try to be more involved with the reporter when it comes to laying out how the story should go? Of course, I think we all know that can be a lost cause with some of them. Overall though, really nice work.
MD-KSL We got a Good Seat 6 7 6 7 The nat pops were a little hot/abrupt. Some nice shots, I liked the pan witht the hydrant. Stand up didn't work for me and it only added that it was hot and then we see one bit from firefighters about the heat, could of done without that.
DP-KSL We got a Good Seat 6 7 7 7 Let the viewrs tell the story. Watch audio levels. Leave reporter out, but I know some insist that they need face time
WA-KSL We got a Good Seat 7 6 7 7 Nice shot selection. could have done without the standup.Audio levels a little all over the place. Definitely kept my attention.
MW-KSL We got a Good Seat 7 7 6 7 Audio levels seemed a little off in places. Didn't think the reporter stand up added to the story. But hey sometimes we don't have a say in that! I liked your shot selection and crafting of the story. Good work
3rd Place
John Duong WTHR
Judges Comments
Dogs in the Water 7 5 5 7 Nice job getting the mic on a witness to narrate the story. Good job rolling with the action as it happened in front of you. Ideal world some more shot variety but very well could've been limited on where you could get the shot--- Solid work!
Dogs in the Water 5 5 6 7 I don't feel like there's much wrong with the video/audio (aside from one shaky shot), and the stuff with the woman watching was good. Another criticism is that you have a woman talking about a guy in a rust-colored shirt when we don't see him. I think my issue is that the story is basically done about 30 seconds into the story. Once the dogs are out, it's over. I probably would've had the firefighter act as kind of a witness--describing the area, how the dogs might've gotten down there, has this happened before, etc. Then you can drag out "Will the dogs be ok?" and end with the nice shot of the dog licking the owner. The stuff with the two guys talking and the firefighter telling people not to do this wasn't really needed once the dogs were out.
Dogs in the Water 6 5 5 5 I liked how it started, but it needed more shot variety. Woman says man in rust colored shirt, but we don't see him. Story needed to be structered slightly different. The dogs are rescued very quickly into the story....at that point the stories done. I think I would've interviered the owner(s) after the rescue, and gotten them to tell the entire story...what they were doing...how the dogs ended up in the water, and what everyone was doing to help get them out. Then you can use that to tell the story while the other witnesses are peppered in throughout.
Dogs in the Water 6 5 5 7 Interesting story, some good shots of the scene. Nice job finding the women to narrate, the cu shot of her looked crooked though. It semed like we didn't get to see the actual rescue, just the dogs in the water and then out of the water. The dog kissing the owner was a great shot
Dogs in the Water 6 6 6 6 Very good capturing the scene, and the subjects to tell the story
Dogs in the Water 6 5 6 7 Liked how you miked the woman up and she help tell the story. Would have liked to seen the actual rescue, if possible. Could use a little more shot variety, but nicely done.
Dogs in the Water 7 6 5 7 A little more shot variety would've gone a long way. Actual rescue??? Don't know what you were up against, but would've been great addition to story. Overall good effort, and good story
Honorable Mention
Bill Reilly WTHR
Judges Comments
JW-ksl Tree limb Climb up 5 4 4 4 Too much Medium shot handheld stuff. The tree wasnt going anywhere fast, set up tripod and compose nice video to mix with handheld stuff. See dog say dog writing didnt help the piece either.
MW-KSL Tree limb Climb up 5 5 4 4 Needed to use a tripod rather than off the shoulder movements.
WE-KSL Tree limb Climb up 5 5 4 5 Wanted to see more variety of shots. Particularly off the top of the story. Needed more close ups, more detail shots. Story was fine, some of the nats were abrupt. good effort.
Judges: KSL