1st Place
Mike Richard NBCDFW
Judges Comments
SV TWCNews Mariachi Kid 8 9 9 9 Great story. Really creative shooting, perfect sequencing on your edits. Loved the fast edit sequence with the instructor. Great attention to detail throughout. Music stuff was seemless. Liked the mariachi reveal that this was no regular band. perfect lighting on your interviews. Excellent job!
TG TWCNews Mariachi Kid 8 8 8 8 Great story! The character you chose was perfect. I liked the reveal in the story. Great lighting for the interviews, there were a few shots in the home however that were a little dark. Also I would have framed the interview a little tighter and to the side more. Overall very fun story!
MM TWCNews Mariachi Kid 8 9 9 9 GREAT JOB! I really enjoy the story. NATs were great. I like that you went more in depth with the family at their home instead of just at school, added a great element. Noticed just a couple of shots into windows and the boys interview was centered a little much for me but thats just nit picking. Good Work.
2nd Place
Jeff Ernewein KSTP-TV
Judges Comments
SV TWCNews Smile for Amber Rose 9 7 7 8 Powerful story, and amazing access fro the family! For the story length, you had compelling moments and the piece really moved well. Some minor stuff....there was a lot of handheld video in places. I imagine logistics at the hospital may have determined that, but a few of the SOTs were a little shaky. At 6:40-ish, the zoom to Amber was distracting, and a few shots before that she was a bit over-exposed. But really nice job bringing such a compelling story...kudos to your reporter as well.
MM TWCNews Smile for Amber Rose 9 8 8 8 SO Powerful. Liked almost everything. Noticed some shake and quick zooms on sots. Interviews were great but sometimes the sun is tough to work with. wonderful story, I really want to know how things are going for her in the future!
TG TWCNEWS Smile for Amber Rose 9 7 7 9 Absolutely loved this story, very well told and I could tell it must have taken a long time to do. Noticed a few shaky spots and odd zooms. I noticed one of the interviews was shadowed, probably could have put her in the sun or completely in the shade, but overall really enjoyed this story! Well told by the reporter as well.
3rd Place
Turner Twyman KMBC, Kansas City
Judges Comments
SV TWCNews Missouri's Star 9 8 9 8 Excelent story. Nice reveal regarding the YouTube aspect. She's a fun character too. Crisp nats were great, but almost seemed a little distracting around the 2:00 mark, breaking up reporter track. Almost too much. One interview had a background which was a little blown out. Loved the quick edits at 2:15 mark. Overall, really excellent piece. Way to show off your skills!
TG TWCNews Missouri's Star 9 8 9 8 What a great and fun character! Great use of nat sound and getting me into the story. I did notice many of the shots of the town seemed to be the same (like the first shot and at 20 seconds.) I know they weren't, but I'm wondering if you could have used tighter shots to help mix it up a bit. Loved that the funny parts of the youtube videos were included, it definitely made the story more interesting. The last part about the underpinning really made me laugh. Although I loved the nats, I wondering if just a few of them could have been taken out so they didn't distract from what the reporter was saying. Loved the different framings of Jenny during her interview. Interview at 1 min seemed a bit blown out, but he also had a good personality. Overall great job!
MM TWCNews Missouri's Star 9 8 8 8 Wonderful story, great find in a small town to give it a big story feel. Nats were good but could have used some better blending in parts with your track. caught some shots in front of a window that I didn't like. The YouTube video and lighting on the laptop was awesome, very creative. good stuff
Honorable Mention
Thomas Leonard KYTV, Springfield, Missouri
Judges Comments
SV TWCNews Missouri Prairies 8 9 8 9 Really pretty. Beautiful shooting all the way through! Interesting story. I'm not usually a fan of music (personal preference) but your NATS were so crisp and the music didn't overpower, so I thought it worked well. I know you had just one voice in this piece, maybe try mixing up the interview framing on different SOTs. Didn't really get to know him much at all, were there any opportunities for NAT breaks with the guy? Maybe him showing you around? Still, awesome job.
TG TWCNews Missouri Prairies 7 9 8 8 Really well shot. You were able to capture all those animals/reptiles/birds that he talked about! Wondering if you could get other nats with the main character? This would help mix it up a bit. Very seamless. Great job overall!
MM TWCNews Missouri Prairies 8 9 8 9 Great video, NATs in the prairie were awesome. Interview was well lit and framed great, his sound was good too he had a lot to say. I would have steared away from the music, i felt like it took away from it for me. I liked it in the begining but I found myself looking for someone playing it to make it make sense. otherwise great job