1st Place
Kevin Sullivan
Judges Comments
- Hard to be picky about anything here. I was really impressed with how clear the audio was while she was swimming. Perfect narrative arc. Great work!
- Great story! Great coverage and NATS all around. Awesome storytelling once again!
2nd Place
Mike Rose
Judges Comments
- I really liked this story! But as good as the music made the piece I wish you wouldn't have used it or used it so much.
- This was fun The pacing was great. It really held together as a natpkg. Music was appropriate for the tone.
- Fun! Great lesson! Gread editing and good sequences.
3rd Place
Mike Ortiz
Judges Comments
- I really enjoyed this story. Photography-wise, emotion-wise it was really well done. The only shot I didn't like was when she was sitting down at the table being interviewed. It wasn't needed and if you needed the sound, you should have covered it up. Great tights of her playing, her feet, her mouth. And I love you shot her from the ground as well.
- Awesome! Nearly flawless execution. The interns in the room seemed unnecessary though. Great nats that matched the tone of the story.
- Great job on covering both perspectives of the scene. Really enjoyed this story.
Honorable Mention
Andrew Konkle
Judges Comments
- I am a big believer and fast nats/edits. Love it! Great interview shots and nats. I love that I can hear the nats throughout the whole piece. The reporter had such great writing. All and all, great great great.
- Excellent shooting. Great writing. This was one of my favorites. Loved the interview from inside the pumpkin. Good sequences. Memorable moments.
- I liked the shots from inside the pumpkin.
- Great coverage and editing. Caught the story from every angle.
Judges: WBBH