1st Place
Mike Richard NBCDFW
Judges Comments
DC WCSH Dr. Jan 9 8 9 8 The shot of Dr. Jan's feet and the writing really surprised me. Well done! The nats of the film projector was a nice subtle touch. The pacing was a bit awkward in the opening sequence. The shot of the camcorder was too short and the pause before the mother's sot was too long. Otherwise the story was engaging.
AD WHTM Dr. Jan 9 9 9 9 Love the storytelling aspect in this story. I am a sucker for a good reveal in a story, and this one had it. I didn't it coming about the doctor having CP. The film projector was a fabulous transition. Well done.
WS WHP Dr. Jan 9 9 9 9 Great storytelling in this one and wow what a hook. Loved how you saved the fact the doctor has CP to the middle of the story. Had a lot of wow factor in it. Great placement of nat sound and also loved how you let the story breath with your interviews and nat sound. perfect about of reporter track. pacing could use a little work and loved how you used the film projector in the story. good get.
2nd Place
Ryan Oliveira KXAS, Dallas
Judges Comments
DC WCSH Cruel Opponent 10 9 10 10 Excellent work. The story was loaded with visual and story surprises and powerful moments. The humorous parts balanced out the sadness. My only criticism is the framing of the closing shot. Seeing Julien's sister comforting him would have had a greater impact than framing them behind the lampshade to show the words on the wall.
AD WHTM Cruel Opponent 9 9 9 9 Great job. I loved your all the great NAT pops and tranisitions. Reporter did a phenominal job writing to all the quick bites. Emotion just oozes out of this story.
" Cruel Opponent 9 9 10 9 great story and loved the pacing of it and all the setup. Love the opening interview with the mom and the photos. All your nat sound was well placed and perfect. A lot of great moments in this story and thought into it. Love trhe shot near the end of the story with the quotes on the wall and the little boy. If possible try and avoid doing interviews by windows and you lighting we good. I would have liked to see you maybe mic the sister to get some better audio
3rd Place
Justin McCray KMSP, Minneapolis
Judges Comments
DC WCSH The Mysterious Meow 6 8 8 7 Nice foreshadowing with the cat in the window shot. The plane shadow was also a great idea. There was great sound and momets. The biggest problem is the story itself. A mssing cat - that you see at the beginning and therefore know will be found - is pretty low-stakes.
AD WHTM The Mysterious Meow 8 8 9 9 My only critique for this story is the amount of tight shots in the beginning. Thats it! The writing is fantastic, and you had fantastic characters (including the cat). Match edits to all the cat meows and really enjoyed your framing for your interviews.
WS WHP The Mysterious Meow 8 8 9 8 Really enjoyed this story and loved how you broke up all the interviews and made them different. looks like you had a clear focus to the story. In the beginging I would have like to see a wide shot. There were a little too many tight shots to start off. Great match edits and great people. Glad the cat was willing to talk. also the little kid was perfect.
Honorable Mention
Randy Schumacher WHO-TV
Judges Comments
DC WCSH Transforming Nature's Leftovers 9 8 8 8 Good closing shot. The audio transition to the carver worked well. A tighter shot of the stump and the chainsaw may have been a better visual reveal, but the sound conveys the idea strongly enough. Great reaction to the carved stump. The story was engaging throughout.
AD WHTM Transforming Nature's Leftovers 8 8 9 8 When I first started watching this story, I thought it was a story about cutting down trees, but then the reveal of the story inside the story. A great job visually. Audio and nats were crisp and excellent use of a gopro in the sculpting.
WS WHP Transforming Nature's Leftovers 9 8 8 8 The story didnt feel over three minutes and all your nat sound was smooth and crisp. Would have like too see something differnt with the pictures of the mother and the sons. thats the only bad thing I can say about this story. Good opening and closing shots and a well focused plan.