1st Place
Devin Krinke WDAY, Fargo
Judges Comments
DM1 What The Hell Happened 9 9 9 9 Great Pkg!! So many good moments. The explosion, the lady hugging him, the Priest. Great variety of shots, Great nats, Great pacing. I love the use of action/reaction. The people watching and laying on the ground, the guy who has been eating there since he was a kid. Good line about memories and the debris washing away. Very strong story.
DM2 What The Hell Happened 9 9 9 9 Excellent work -- you had some nice shots and great natural sound -- the explosion from the roof. Loved the moment exchanged between the owner of the business and the person watching. Only critique is the one kid with a hat sounded a little drowned out making it difficult to hear (was he mic'd up?). Overall, fine work.
JT What The Hell Happened 9 9 9 9 Great moments. Great nats. Pretty close to the perfect spot news package. your action and reaction was neat- catching people watching the action unfold in real time. A shot or two might have been too short but still good, fast pace.
2nd Place
Justin McCray KMSP, Minneapolis
Judges Comments
DM1 Saving St. Clair 8 8 8 8 Very good nats, great sequences. Good sound. There weren't any amazing characters. Great variety of shots, good clean video. Good audio-video linkage. Your last few shots in the pkg looked a little like some of the ones from the beginning. Good opening and closing. I feel like the shots with the football team could've been earlier in the story.
DM2 Saving St. Clair 8 8 8 8 Great job -- loved the opening nat sequencing and sandbag sequencing with the football players. You had a wide variety of shots -- particularly enjoyed the tight shot of the storm drain. Really liked the wide sandbag interview. Overall an excellent job -- only knock is no real memorable character or "moment" in the story.
JT Saving St. Clair 7 8 8 7 Great sequences- your opening and the football team nats sequences were strong. Good flow. Creative with your interview shots. You made a static shot into a moving one with the sign. Tough finding any real flaws.
3rd Place
Thor Fiedler KJRH, Tulsa
Judges Comments
DM1 Beans For Supper 7 8 7 7 Great nats, great variety of nats, smooth audio transitions, good sequencing. Missing some audio-video linkage: she mentions the sky, show the sky. I think you really could've developed the woman and her dog a lot more as a character. She should have been mic'ed up and captured in her element instead of the head and shoulders sound bites. Decent moment with the line about beans. It looked like it was done in a short time, and if so, well-shot and edited. Just missing the human connections.
DM2 Beans For Supper 7 7 7 7 Great use of natural sound throughout the piece. Loved hearing the chainsaws and wind blowing. It could have used a few more wide shots to help establish the scene but really enjoyed some of the tights and close ups. Only problem I had with the story was I never felt a connection with any of the people affected by the storm.
JT Beans For Supper 8 8 7 7 maybe nitpicking but the shot of the dog was too long. Nice nats and weaving in. Audio strong. Really wanted to see a shot of the sky when it was called for. Could have used one good wide shot.