1st Place
Mike Tighe CTV, Edmonton
Judges Comments
SV TWCNews Mustang Part 1 10 9 9 10 Wonderful story. Didn't seem like 4-plus minutes at all. Beautifully shot and edited. Writing was crisp, bravo to your reporter! Loved how you mixed up interviews. Great setup with the mustang clock, and then use of it throughout. Shop transition and video there was excellent. Great place to end the piece as well. Really need to see the second part now! Only minor thing, a few of the at-home shots were a little blown-out with the windows in the background. Really great job!
MM TWCNews Mustang Part 1 10 9 9 10 Blown away by the story here. Wonderful beginning and end with the clock. Nat was great. Watch your framing on interviews. I feel like the wife could have been moved in a little toward the center, and I wasn't a huge fan of the trucking interview with the husband. Would like to have seen the shop guys mouth moving during his interview but loved the story anyway. Leaves me wanting to see part 2. This guy needs his mustang done! Be careful of window! Wonderful story!!
HM TWCNews Mustang Part 1 Great use of cus to tell the story, incl interviews
TG TWCNews Mustang Part 1 10 9 9 10 Loved the buildup of the story and the emotion throughout. Loved the idea of the clock and timing. Loved the variety of framing with the shots and the unique shots as well. Would have liked to have the framing of the one man's shot where we could see his mouth. A few of the shots of them on the couch and one of the beginning shots of the lady's face was blownout by the windows. I really want to see part 2!!!
2nd Place
Zachary Wonderlie KGTV, San Diego
Judges Comments
SV TWCNews The Wave Of The Future 9 10 8 9 Knocked it out of the park. Good job with the music....not always easy to edit music pieces seamlessly, and you killed it. Nice reveal with the video game component. You were all over the place and I like that you had so many different voices telling the story. Only thing I'd suggest (and it's nitpicking) is that you may not have needed to show as much as you did, of people leaving toward the end of the piece. Really nice job!
MM TWCNews The Wave Of The Future 9 10 9 9 Wonderful! My inner video game nerd is loving this! Audio was on point for the entire concert setting. One rough bite with the older princess outside, otherwise very good. Great variety of shots throughout. Love the tight tights on the string instruments and the seemless audio transitioning. Told a great story going in during daytime and leaving at nighttime. Would have possibly found a different location for interviews on stage since the rest of your story is told there during the concert. Fantastic work!
HM TWCNews The Wave Of The Future "Great Story from the interesting opening of shots of musicians plugged in, and later reveal of videogame. The Legend of Zelda told with just the right length of interviews
TG TWC News The Wave Of The Future 9 10 8 9 Really nice flow to the story and blending of music, interviews well lit, and I loved how you carried the story from beginning to end without needing a reporter's voice! Good job!
3rd Place
Sean Estes KTVK
Judges Comments
SV TWCNews We're Here For Cynthia 8 10 9 9 Killer job. Technically damn-near perfect. Pacing was spot on. Loved the quick shot nats between sound. Great sequencing and you shot the hell out of it. I did keep waiting to see if the "fighting for Cynthia" theme was going to lead to something more, like raising money or something. Great story!
MM TWCNews We're Here For Cynthia 9 9 9 10 Awesome story. Everything was great! Liked the fast paced start. Lots of great shots. really showed the variety that you had when shooting it. Be careful on some of the framing. The one guy was right in the middle of the screen for his interview and Cynthia had a lot of head room at one point, but that is just being super nit-picky. Great job!
HM TWCNews We're Here For Cynthia 9 10 9 9 Beautiful! Great pacing of shots throughout and lighting of Interviews. Got to know Cynthia as a teacher, then as a true "fighter". So - great arc of a story and mix of shots.
TG TWCNews We're Here For Cynthia 8 10 9 9 Loved the fast pace of the story, the tight shots, the nats sounds, interviews were well lit, and the whole story flowed well. Being nit-picky the one boxers interview was in the center of the frame, he could have been moved over a bit more. I believe I saw two repeated shots. Loved the different angles. Maybe could have used a few more wide shots. Great job overall!
Honorable Mention
Steve Reusch KGTV, San Diego
Judges Comments
SV TWCNews Dogfight Debates 8 9 9 9 Awesome story. Good buildup and great sequencing to reveal exactly what the story was about. Caught my attention right away. Really nice job shooting the airborn stuff, and the money drop. Great reaction stuff too. Loved it.
HM TWCNews Dogfight Debates 9 9 9 9 Great gradual reveal of flying politicians.. Nat sound pops added and loved hearing from several onlookers. Really Entertaining piece, great job!
MM TWCNews Dogfight Debates 9 9 9 9 Great Job, had me laughing at the sights and sounds of the candidates flying around. Great use of tights and wides. Nat was awesome. Made a big difference to hear the motors the whole time. Watch the camera move at the end but overall wonderful story
TG TWCNews Dogfight Debates 9 9 9 9 What a unique story! Loved that you waited to reveal exactly what was going on. Thought the interviews were spot on and content was interesting about their take on this campaign season. Loved the reaction shots and how you captured the funny moments like the money drop. Lighting was a bit off in some shots, but not sure what you could do about it.