1st Place
Shawn Wilson KTUU, Anchorage
Judges Comments
KE Last Jump 8 9 8 8 THAT KID was so cute. Way to keep that mic on him throughout that entire moment. You built up to the jump and made me lean in with action and reaction. You still needed that official sound even though the guy was kind of boring, but it was sprinkled in very nicely. I do wish the video from the jump was a little more dramatic, but I can understand not being able to be too close.
MH Last Jump 9 9 9 9 LOVED IT! REALLY enjoyed bites from the kid and mother yet at the same time sprinkled the "official" sound in with it. VERY simple and VERY well done!
TS Last Jump 8 8 8 8 "Very visual. I loved seeing this through his son’s eyes. His nats were incredibly sweet.The use of nat sound was very strong in this piece. Well shot. Editing was simple but I don't think I needed anything more. Well done.
2nd Place
Katie Stern KOMO, Seattle
Judges Comments
KE Needle Clean Up 9 8 9 8 This is a fantastic story and a way of illustrating the heroin epidemic that I have never seen. It was simple and quick, with a strong character. I cringed a tiny bit when your camera moved with the needle- but you were following the action, and I got it.
MH Needle Clean Up 9 8 8 8 VERY well done. Made me feel for the character. Thought nats were good and not over done. Great find with him finding a needle!
TS Needle Clean Up 9 8 8 8 Great shot sequencing building to the needle reveal. Excellent movement when he found needle. Pan on ground shot was smooth. Nats of birds brought me there. Good use of his mothers photo. Succinct piece. Flowed well. Did a lot in a short amount of time.
3rd Place
Gabe Ferguson KHQ, Spokane
Judges Comments
KE Wellpinit Donations 8 8 8 9 This was good- the fact that you went to her home made the piece. So often- news crews go to events like this and find that character, but we don't see what they are talking about. I felt her emotion once I could see that destruction. Great nats of people bringing all the things in. The piece gave me the sense of an entire community helping to re-build. My one critique would be to have put a mic on that woman to hear her natural reactions to people- that could have added a little more to get to know her as a character.
MH Wellpinit Donations 8 8 8 10 Very simple and VERY powerful. Clean shots/NATS. Really enjoyed how reporter focused more on character than donations and got VO of womans burned out home. Great to see what occured and not just hear it from the character. Enjoyed beginning sequence of trucks rolling in and unloading.
TS Wellpinit Donations "Good opening sequence of van pulling in. I felt like it saw the process unfold in real time. I liked to mix of shots. Strong packing and mix of wide, medium, tight. I loved the interview framing from behind seeing her watch the people bring things in. You could really feel her pain but also her appreciation for their work. Nice job going to her home to show up what she lost. It was short and sweet and absolutely held my attention.
Honorable Mention
Mike Perry KOMO, Seattle
Judges Comments
KE Bothell Block Party 8 9 8 8 Great story! Weaved together very nicely. It never slowed down and every nat was purposeful and added to the focus of the story. You had little reveals that matched the writing throughout like the fire itself, and then the reveal about how close the block party was to the building that burned down. loved how you incorporated the music nats.
MH Bothell Block Party 8 9 9 9 REALLY enjoyed it! Nats/bites were crisp. Enjoyed the shot of burned out homes behind event. The music sequences were on point! Also enjoyed all different shots from festival (money jar, band, etc) AWESOME FILE VIDEO OF FIRE AND NATS.
TS Bothell Block Party 8 8 8 8 "Good teamwork. I liked the syncing of audio and video. The “backdrop” line showed me that. Tight shots of instruments were very strong. Pacing worked well. A fresh take on an event we cover in TV news very often. You showed us multiple characters while keeping the focus on the party. Also, good use of file video.