1st Place
Ken Kulovany KTVA, Anchorage
Judges Comments
Really nice job for the timeframe and locations you had to hit with your teammate. While you had obvious flaws with jump cuts and not enough changes in focal lengths, I really thought the "story" you both told was genuine and real. Four moments stood out to me, 1) the little girl yelling while waiting for the family at the home, the hugging, crying mom and the nice speech the dad gave and gave everyone a round of applause. Try to work more variety of focal length shots in, WS - MS - TS. Nice job capturing the emotional heart of the story.
2nd Place
Tim Hahn KGTV, San Diego
Judges Comments
Nicely done. You started with Abby and ended with Abby and her mom walking away with a great SOT that ties the story up in a nice bow. You had a variety of shots, had to hit a lot of locations, even used cop sound from presser, but still knew the heart of the story was with the mom and little girl. Try to use more nat pops when possible. The shots of the police tape showed there was a lot of wind, which helps provide a little nats. Good job staying with mom in the moment when she's reading the letter they wrote and hear's her own words and gets emotional. Overall, nice hustle and solid work.
3rd Place
Mike Perry KOMO, Seattle
Judges Comments
Nice work. You had sequences, used nat sound as puncuation, kept the story moving forward, had the coach and the other guy on opposite sides for framing and a good ending shot. What you need to work on is getting a little more variety in your focal lengths, especially WS's and TS's, and try not to repeat the same type of shot so much - like the MS's of gloves without heads, with two people and at the heavy bag. You can tell you were thinking about the things to make this story sing, despite the short turnaround.
Honorable Mention
Scott Smith KTUU, Ancorage
Judges Comments
This was well done. Not a lot of nat. sound PKG's tell a good story with SOTs, nats and video, but this one does. I thought you moved around and got meaningful shots. You listened to the speaker while you were shooting and got the video you needed to tell the story. Your audio edit was seamless and hit the right notes. I applaud you for this effort