1st Place
Luke Rollins WBFF
Judges Comments
8 8 8 8 Really nice sequences. It was quick, might need stronger ending
7 8 7 8 Good, complete story. It made sense, had a little reveal and wasn't too long. Nice job.
2nd Place
Tyler Schwind WGAL
Judges Comments
8 7 7 9 great moment with the silence. I think we could've dragged it out a bit more there. I wanted more nats of the food prep, orders taken. Reax from customers. Needs shot variety
7 6 7 7 Good story. Structurally I wanted to see the couple earlier than we did. That would've meant changing a line or two, but it would've flowed better. Nice execution on the not talking moment....well-timed. Best moment in the bunch. Cute.
3rd Place
3rdSteve Flood WXIA
Judges Comments
7 8 8 7 Solid story, I loved the line about her being 92....I had no idea until then. I liked how you started at home. Maybe a little more from hubby about her
6 7 8 7 I like how you edited the story...it looked good and could've been otherwise bland. But I think you got a little carried away with it...it's okay to simply see her interacting with customers a couple times.
Honorable Mention
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Ben Worsley WBFF
Judges Comments
7 7 8 7 I so wanted to see this guy in the kitchen. too much of him getting on the boat not enough of him reacting to being on it
6 4 5 7 Cute overall, but there were a few problems. The hand held stuff was all over the place....you need to be steadier if you're going to be off the shoulder. The bell ringing had no context (who rang it and why?) and the applause at the end needed a shot of people actually applauding. Continuity.....you had him on the boat, then suddenly off for a bite and then back on. There was a cool bite from his ?wife? about wanting to cry, but why? Let her tell us why it's so emotional for her. It felt like you were working quickly, so I commend you for doing a good piece under what I assume was a tight deadline. But I don't think any one of these things is something you couldn't have fixed easily.
Judges: KING