1st Place
Whitney Blake Tyler KMBC
Judges Comments
JR WTLV Olathe teacher killed in crash 8 8 8 7 Creative shots that told the story well.
Olathe teacher killed in crash
Olathe teacher killed in crash
NM - WTLV Olathe teacher killed in crash 7 7 7 7 Good way to tell an emotinal story. Love the build up with the road side memorial. I think the text graphic could have been done diffrently
MH WTLV Olathe teacher killed in crash 10 10 10 10 Great story.
2nd Place
Thor Fiedler KJRH
Judges Comments
JR WTLV Finally happens in Bixby 7 7 6 8 Reused a couple shots. Could use more variey. It was pretty though.
Finally happens in Bixby
Finally happens in Bixby
NM-WTLV Finally happens in Bixby 9 9 9 9 Loved the mic work. Great reveal. Watch out on crossing the axis on some of your broll to interview cuts
MH WTLV Finally happens in Bixby 7 8 7 9 Great effort in the pkg but needs more variety of shots.
3rd Place
Jon Reidy KPRC
Judges Comments
JR WTLV Rayford Floods 5 5 6 6 My favorite part was the first SOT. Seemed like missed opportunities for creative shots and nats.
NM-WTLV Rayford Floods 6 6 6 6
Rayford Floods
Rayford Floods
MH WTLV Rayford Floods 7 6 6 6 Good PKG but could have done without the stick mic.
Honorable Mention
Thomas Palanuk KSTP
Judges Comments
JR WTLV Motor cafe fire 7 7 7 6 Felt like this kept transitioning between creative shots and average shots. Didn't like the sit-down interview.
NM - WTLV Motor cafe fire 7 7 7 7 Goof opening shot, nice car transistions. I think you could have used him showing us the damage a bit more
Motor cafe fire
Motor cafe fire
MH WTLV Motor cafe fire 6 6 6 6 Good pkg but wish you had used more walk and talk sound