1st Place
Scott Jensen Alaska Dispatch News, Anchorage
Judges Comments
KP-WGAL A Whale of an Art Project 10 10 10 10 True commitment to the craft is shown right here. Great way to help the story flow by previewing how it will end to start with. and then it just took off from there. great job.
GB- WGAL A Whale of an Art Project 10 9 8 10 Hats off to the commitment it took to tell this story. Way to stay with it! All around good story telling, nats and character.
DM - WGAL A Whale of an Art Project 9 9 9 10 My only criticism is the audio blend felt off at points. It was sometimes hard to hear the sound bites. otherwise, stop being so good. amazing work and great anticipation of the action.
2nd Place
John Thain KTVA, Anchorage
Judges Comments
KP-WGAL A Sea of Uncertainty 9 8 9 10 besides a few times where the audio wasn't perfect, this was an incredible piece. It clearly took some long term commitment to make this happen. and it had a great variety of NATS to help drive it along. Overall the pacing was where it needed to be to tell 4 or 5 different stories in one story.
GB-WGAL A Sea of Uncertainty 9 10 9 10 What a time commitment to telling a story. Really great work! Nice pictures, nice sound, nice job telling the problem from a variety of perspectives. It felt more like a National Geogrpahic piece than a news story. The only real complaint I had was the pacing of the track- a little more energy for a long piece would have been nice.
DM - WGAL A Sea of Uncertainty 9 9 9 10 The trackng was dry, not our fault. The sequence with the girl on the tower was amazing and I thought drove the piece through. Well done.
3rd Place
Sean Estes KTVK
Judges Comments
KP-WGAL Man of Steel 9 8 9 9 That was a really great, uplifting photo piece. You had views from on top of the mountain, looking down, I could have used a ground shot of the tall mountain just to truely show how much this man was climbing.
GB- WGAL Man of Steel 10 10 8 10 Forget him - how about you! Steady shots. Good clean nat sound. Humping that equipment up the hill with him, good for you!! In just a 2:04 pkg you told me everything I needed to know. Nice story find. Really tough to shoot but well done.
Man of Steel 10 10 9 9 Well done. You earned your money on this shoot. I love this type of "photo piece" because the action and information never stops. You had video to support everything he was saying and they mad the piece stronger.
Honorable Mention
Andy Miller KMGH, Denver
Judges Comments
KP-WGAL That's Not Justice 9 9 9 9 This is one of the best examples of an investigative piece I have seen. It has a great blend of elements made possible only with non-linear editing and skill, while not losing sight of great videography. Great job.
GB- WGAL That's Not Justice 9 8 8 8 Good work in putting all the numbers together. If I was a citizen of Denver I'd be mad about the handling of this case. All the editing work was very solid, tough story to tell with little video. Hard to give it the best scores with calculator video, good lighting and
DM - WGAL That's Not Justice 9 10 9 9 Great piece. The lighting on the blond guy was a little too dramatic, but that is my only criticism. your graphic work is amazing and your techniques for creating video are some of the best I 've seen. Great!