1st Place
Nicholas Moron WTLV, Jacksonville "This Is America"
Judges Comments
BW KENS This is America 10 10 10 10 I'm going to start this comment off with my only critique. The ending sequence was a bit choppy. I think maybe one of the shots could've been taken out. Now that that's out of the way... Man, what a story. I can't believe this was done in four hours. Amazing. The commitment is wild. Shooting the huddle house, because you know you're going to use it after he gives you that great soundbite... The whole sequence with the facebook video... Really creative and well executed. The beginning middle and end were very distinct, yet perfectly linked together. The opening and closing shot were great. You were gifted two GREAT characters and you turned that gift into an even better gift to whoever is lucky enough to watch this story.
MH KENS This is America 10 10 10 10 I agree with my colleague about the ending being a little choppy but otherwise what a great story. Good build up to the surprise. The computer stuff, which is often badly done, was perfect here. Excellent work.
RV KENS This is America 9 10 10 10 Pretty awesome package. Don't think I've ever seen anything like it. I thini my colleagues have said everything I'd want to! Loved your main character. What a sweety.
2nd Place
Adam Hillberry Asheville "My Voice Is A Little Dead"
Judges Comments
BW KENS My Voice is a Little Dead 7 9 8 7 Pacing was perfect in my opinion. For a story about a tiny section of one street, there was a lot of shot variety and sequencing. Great use of NATS. The video was a little warm, but it was warm throughout the entire story, so at least it was consistent.
MH KENS My Voice is a Little Dead 8 7 8 7 Great shot variety and selection. Lots of great angles there. My only real criticism is that, at times, the nats seemed to overpower the repoter track. Plenty of good nats, though, and the story is just the right length. Good work.
RV KENS My Voice is a Little Dead 7 8 7 7 Beautiful shooting. Loved the nats..especially how you opened the package. You did a good job of showing variety with at a rally. Agree with Bryan about the pacing...kept my interest going.
3rd Place
Matthew Apthorp Bay News 9, Tampa "Pirate Invasion"
Judges Comments
BW KENS Pirate Invasion 8 9 8 8 Wow. That was cool. Great NatPak. Everytime I thought the piece was about to start dragging, the scene changed. The pacing was great, the beginning middle and end were distinct but clearly connected. And the story was interesting and fun to take in.
MH KENS Pirate Invasion 8 8 8 8 Nice work. I can't remember the last time judging an NPPA story made me smile so much. Funny stuff. Good shooting, good nats, good editing, good story structure. Nice surprise of just what those guys were about to do. Good stuff.
Pirate Invasion 8 9 9 9 Awesome fun story! Loved that it was such a humorous story. Enjoyed the reactions from people. I was taught by the master Mike Humphires to always show reaction. You did a good job at that. I want to ride on that float and be a pirate! Well done.
Honorable Mention
Dave MacQueen WCIV, Charleston "Purple Legs Up"
Judges Comments
BW KENS Purple Legs Up 8 7 7 10 Nice surprise worked in there. That last shot and moment was great. Nice sequencing, the lighting was spot on thorughout, and I like how you used your NATS. Really nice job getting your lav mic on multiple people. The multiple shooting locations show me serious dedication to the story.
MH KENS Purple Legs Up 8 8 8 8 Nice reveal at the beginning. Good shot variety throughout the piece. Nice lighting/depth of field on the interviews. The closing shot and accompanying nat moment were really good. My only suggestion would be to have a little more nat sound interaction between the lady and her physical therapist.
RV KENS Purple Legs Up 8 8 8 9 Felt like you could have started the package with a more compelling shot..like her walking...or something to compensate her sound bit in the very begining which wasn't too exciting. But this was shot very well and I loved the story itself. Very inspiring and good job at telling this woman's story.
Judges: KENS San Antonio