1st Place
Jesse Burkett-Hall WTIC, Hartford "New York Larry"
Judges Comments
R.A. KSNV New York Larry 10 10 10 10 great nat sequencing, creative editing, very nicely shot, one of the best pkgs I have seen in a while!
G.P. New York Larry 10 10 10 10 Love all the shots of the pool balls. Great angles and nats. Story very well told.
A.C. KSNV New York Larry 10 10 10 10 Amazing.
2nd Place
Paul Giorgio WKMG-TV, Orlando "My Own Chapel"
Judges Comments
R.A. KSNV My Own Chapel 9 9 10 10 Much like the vet, speechless. Very nicely done. My only complaint, the audio was faded back and forth too tight and overlapping with the reporter track... let it breathe a bit.
G.P. KSNV My Own Chapel 10 10 10 10 Nice! Love the framing of almost all the shots and use of shollow depth of feild. Nats from the guys in hiw work shot is great. You see the whole process of something being constructed into the final product while the story is being told. Well done.
A.C. KSNV My Own Chapel 9 10 10 10 This was stellar work. Great Job.
3rd Place
Karan Deardorff WBBH
Judges Comments
R.A. KSNV If Florida Had a Soundtrack 10 10 10 10 WOW! This was a stellar pkg. So creative. I loved all of that Nat's, its so obvious yet so important for this story. The creative use of both your ENG camera and go pro. The stand up was great, smart way to show what could have been a boring graphic. The grass clippings on the paper was a great idea, my only critic on that was that the gimick was used back to back to back and I noticed a small dissolve that could have done without. Once the grass was off the paper, I would have been fine with just straight cuts to the next piece of imformation on the page... however I did like the use of them as a way to block out the other words! This is great storytelling at its finest! Your reporter did a great job at writing also!
G.P. If Florida Had a Soundtrack 9 9 10 10 Great use of nats, the nats helped to really tell the story. Perspectives were great and effective. Great story.
A.C. KSNV If Florida Had a Soundtrack 9 9 9 9 This was a strong package. The stand up was very creative. Very well put together piece.
Honorable Mention
Scott Reilly WBBH, Fort Myers "Time To Go"
Judges Comments
R.A. KSNV Time to Go 10 9 9 9 This was a pretty great pkg. It drew me in, loved the creativy with the file and the amazing shots throughout! Great job.
G.P. KSNV Time to Go 10 10 10 10 Very compelling. This is a seirous case and you handled the story well. Gave the story justice with the entire package. Well done.
A.C. KSNV Time to Go 10 9 9 9 Strong package. Loved the dedication on this. Lighting was stellar. Keep up the excellent work.
Judges: KSNV Las Vegas