1st Place
William Middeke KARE, Minneapolis "Again! Seriously!"
Judges Comments
as-ksl Again! Seriously! 8 8 8 10 Wow, what a hoot. I loved this story. It must have been miserable to shoot, so kudos on your commitment. Awesome shots of cold breath. I loved the funny soundbites going into the stadium. When the game letdown happened, it was captured beautifull. Great shot of the dejected guy at the end. Good stuff. Only edit I didn't like was the one of the kid about to catch a football. The ball never entered the frame! Minor detail.
JS-KSL Again! Seriously! 7 8 7 7 I wasn't even there but this story made me feel just how cold it was there in only the first few shots. The nats of people being excited for the game got me excited and I was there on that high with them when the moment happened and everything turned. The interview with the Dad and kid in the middle either could have used less coverage time or more cut aways.
jw-ksl Again! Seriously! 8 8 7 8 Wow! Great closing line... I love that you told like 5 mini stories in one, I wanted more frozen snot shots, other than that I had a good ole time watching this story.
bw-ksl Again! Seriously! 9 9 9 9 Great moments. Great in the moment standup as well. nice job weaving stuff off the shoulder with steady clean video. the three shot interview with the kid was pretty jumpy.
sj-ksl Again! Seriously! 9 9 9 10 Anybody shooting like that out in the weather gets a 10 for commitment from me. Nice story well done.
An-KSL Again! Seriously! 8 8 8 10 Great story, fantastic writing, closing line was awesome.. You took one for the team and shot in that miserable weather, you deserve high praise.
dp-ksl Again! Seriously! 9 10 10 10 Great characters, great writing to video teamwork. Good nats
md-ksl Again! Seriously! 9 8 8 8 Nice Job! Great moments during the game.
mw-ksl Again! Seriously! 9 9 9 10 First of all... Vikings Suck!!! Nice job, quite enjoyed this story.
2nd Place
Brandon Mowry WFAA, Dallas "An Extra Hour"
Judges Comments
as-ksl An Extra Hour 6 5 5 6 I liked the spirit of this story the most. I think its something more stations should cover (positve education) stories. You've got good sound and nice bites from the kids. However, the visual structure was all over the place. We see lego robotic class, then excercise class, then knitting, then back to legos...etc... Find a way to seamlessly get in and out of a scene and try not to return to it. I think you could have gotten away with covering the principal up with cover...especially the shot when the principal appears way off center. Nice funny moment of girl hugging other girl and then...get off me. Overall a good job.
bw-ksl An Extra Hour 8 8 8 9 Really nice nat pack, great job getting so many different activities
sj-ksl An Extra Hour 8 8 8 9 I liked the way you transitioned between principal and students. Story moved well.
dp-ksl An Extra Hour 8 10 10 9 Great story. I didnt even realize it was a nat pack until deep into it. well shot, excellent storytelling
js-ksl An Extra Hour 6 5 5 6 Nice effort, good nat pkg. You did a nice job keeping the pace throughout the piece. some of your nats were a little muffled or hard to hear, audio has to be crystal clear. move the interview shot around or use less of it if its the same framing.
md-ksl An Extra Hour 7 7 7 8 Nice Nat Pkg. Mix up the interview shots more. stop the interview, move her into the room, start again, repeat. you want as much variety as possible for the soundbites to avoid repeditive shots.
jw-ksl An Extra Hour 7 7 7 8 some hollw nats, get your mic on top of stuff and collect clean sounds. good kid moments, it was almost over before I realized it was a nat pkg which is a credit to your storytelling skills. Nice work
mw-ksl An Extra Hour 7 7 8 9 some of the nats in the classroom were distracting and couldnt understand them. Didnt like the handheld exercise stuff, use a tripod. Really nice flow to the story
3rd Place
Alex Brown WTVF, Nashville "Donuts and Jackpots Rising"
Judges Comments
JS-KSL Donuts and Jackpots Rising 8 7 8 8 WOW this package gave me renewed faith that "Powerball stories" can be done and done well.. Nats were right on point, story flowed and kept me interested. Two critiques I have surround the ammount of track, felt like a few more people other than the store owner could have helped move the store as well as the go pro shot and nat of the door sounded hollow. I would suggest looking into open back door for the case as they allow more natural sounding nats when using them.
as-ksl Donuts and Jackpots Rising 8 7 7 8 Very nice piece. The sequencing was sharp. Also I loved the micd up guy in line. Very good leaving the mic on the cashier. Good job with the reveal on the state border angle to keep the narrative up. Very nice job!
jw-ksl Donuts and Jackpots Rising 6 7 7 7 As a proud southerner who has done many powerball stories terribly... you did work on this one, kudos to you and your reporter.
sj-ksl Donuts and Jackpots Rising 7 7 6 7 Good use of creative nat sound with not much more than people standing in line. Nice story.
dp-ksl Donuts and Jackpots Rising 7 7 7 8 Good opening nat sequence. nice character development, I liked the natural environment sounds like the ticket machine and how you weaved them
bw-ksl Donuts and Jackpots Rising 7 7 7 7 Nice sequences. Some could have been a littel tighter, nice moments with the hillbillys. Great powerball story.
AN-ksl Donuts and Jackpots Rising 6 8 7 8 Good hustle, Very nicely shot, structured and creativity with characters.
md-ksl Donuts and Jackpots Rising 8 8 7 8 Great opening, nice tight shots and nat sound, lose the see dog say dog stuff at the end.
mw-ksl Donuts and Jackpots Rising 8 8 8 8 very nice sequencing and nats, very creative for a powerball story. I liked this story, had a lot of personality. Did not like the gopro on the door. Quality of pic didnt match the story-- didnt add anythinng visually, said dollar see dollar, same with main street seemed a little forced
Honorable Mention
Mike Rose WTVF, Nashville "Timber"
Judges Comments
as-ksl Timber! 6 8 8 8 Nice work on this one! I liked the reveal that the guy is trying to hit the house. Very nice sequencing and commitment to move your go pro around. Bravo! Nice work showing the tree guy's personality too. The story slowed down towards the end when the reporters track gets long and boring. If you recognize the reporter slowing the script down like that, communicate an idea to put info stuff in the tag. Overall nice job!
MD-KSL Timber! 6 6 6 6 Cool opening shot, cool shots throughout, Liked the intv shot through the tree but I saw it too many times. Had a lot of good well thought angles of the tree falling. good job with the gopro in the tree, but I didnt like that you cut away mid fall to a less interesting angle, especially on the first fall.
js-ksl Timber! 5 4 4 5 I missed the point of the story. too much reporter track. we missed the action of the tree actually falling because of the cutaway. Had a shot of the photog in the first shot.
jw-ksl Timber! 7 7 9 9 great anticipation using the gopros cool framing with the log, cant shoot the whole interview that way though. he's a good character, more quick pops from him would have been nice. odd pacing in spots, tried a little too hard with all the cuts during the tree falls but I probably would have done the same thing. good work
jd-ksl Timber! 8 8 8 9 Nice variety of shots.
dp-ksl Timber! 9 9 10 10 Well shot story. good pacing, good inside shots. very creative use of gopro
Judges: KSL