1st Place
Anthony Panicucci WQAD
Judges Comments
AK-WITI I think IT CHANGED US 9 10 9 10 Great turn on a deadline. Liked how you peppered nats throughout. Nice way to get into the story. You had some great beaty shots. I'd say if anything is missing it cold use some more close ups.
JW-WITI I think IT CHANGED US 8 9 9 9 Well done on deadline! Good action-reaction. Steady sequenced video. Good use of nats.I have not seen a lot of pieces like this done this well. Good job!
AF-WITI I think IT CHANGED US 10 9 10 10 wow just very touching story. ill get the bad done right away. i think the opening shot was just a touch too long. it was a great shot just a titch too long. its hard to imagine doing this on deadline. fantastic job with the ants throughout. favorite shot was the one with the flag in the background and the ref walking out of frame.
2nd Place
Tim Viste WBBM
Judges Comments
AK-WITI More Deserving 9 10 9 10 Nice story, what a great kid. You really had no choice but to like the little guy. Good way to get into things. Good nats to pace and introduce others in the story. You had all the bases covered. Smooth edits, good shooting. I'm still torn on a couple things. Having to use 2 two shots with the kids Dad and reporter, and the high 5 at the end... I'm not sure if I like it, or hate it. Well done piece overall.
JW-WITI More Deserving 9 9 9 9 What a kid! Great find and he seemed liked he had the maturity of a 30 year old! didn't like how you ended it but that is more of a preference thing. The sound was ok but not as good as some of the other sound you had with him. Didn't really like him in sit down interview either. He seemed in his element around people. Great kid!!
AF-WITI More Deserving 9 9 9 9 Thats the best kid i have ever seen interviewed! its usually hard working with kids but it seemed like you nailed it. this piece had everything, the ants the variety oof shots and pacing. greats moments with the kid choking up. wasn't a big fan of only seeing the dad in a two shot with the reporter. it was okay once but not multiple times. the ending…. i think it was different and i know we are always looking for different but for me the high five just did not work
3rd Place
Wade Smith KTVI
Judges Comments
AK-WITI petri cafe 8 9 9 9 Well done on a deadline. Great nat sound. I really liked how you moved around with her for different interview locations within the cafe. Great use of cut aways to make it easier to edit. Nice Job.
JW-WITI petri cafe 8 9 8 8 You know what you are doing! Some of the best technique I've seen in this category. You obviously work hard on getting GOOD nat sound. The one thing you may want to consider...the reporter talked about how active and busy she was...I saw a lot of shots (including interviews) of her being not active. If the theme is how active she is...you gotta show it pretty much all the time in my opinion!
AF-WITI petri cafe 9 9 9 9 wow really good use of ants and cutaways. i loved how you moved her around and how many people you talked to. to do this on a deadline is impressive. a few shots were blown out
Honorable Mention
Wade Smith KTVI
Judges Comments
AK-WITI back in time 9 9 9 10 Great job with the nats throughout the piece. Tough turn on a deadline. Some great bites and reactions. Wasn't crazy about starting the story on a piece of paper... maybe saw you were going for the suprise... but could have maybe just started by talking about bike racing with shots of the racing?? Nice Job.
JW-WITI back in time 8 8 8 9 That was a lot of stuff on deadline! Well shot and edited. You had a couple of moments and good sound. There had to be a better way to start the piece than zooming into the paper on the ground! That did nothing to draw me into the piece. The beginning is always the most important part of the story. If you don't get the viewers engaged right away and they turn away....all the great stuff in the middle and end are for nothing because you've lost their interest. Middle and end were fantastic!
AF-WITI back in time 8 9 8 9 This was a great story but i really dislike your opening shot. it also seemed soooooooo long. good thing thats was the only bad thing i had to say about this story. HOLY NATS BATMAN! the shots matched the track nicely and the pace kept me into the whole way . i really liked the sequence with the doughnuts. you could have just done generic shots but you found a way to get three shots out of it. my favorite part was the super quick edits with the cowbell though.