1st Place
Anna Greene WQAD
Judges Comments
RC KARE Anchor Lumber Fire 7 7 7 7 Nice moments captured. Edit was clean. Felt you could have got a few more nat sound opportunities. Change up the shot on your sot bites, helps in the edit. Nice job.
IP KARE Anchor Lumber Fire 6 7 6 7 Writing was good, I felt informed, but not taken into the piece. In that sense, it felt a bit flat. Would have liked some more natural sound, and tighter shots of the firefighters and action as a whole.
JS KARE Anchor Lumber Fire 6 7 6 6 Solid throughout, but nothing especially grabbed me in sound or sequences. The nat breaks all could've been cut tighter...felt like there was a "wait for it" on every one, even the back-to-back ones. Amping up the pacing of cuts in general could've made it move along more.
2nd Place
Anthony Panicucci WQAD
Judges Comments
RC KARE HE WAS BURNIN 7 6 6 7 Way to not get pushed back. Usually your a mile a way from wreckage. Good get on the farm owner. Could have used a few more nats.
IP KARE HE WAS BURNIN 8 5 5 6 The main interview made this story. While the crew got there a bit after the crash happened, his re-telling of the story really makes me feel like I was there when it happened. Shots of the field were good, some more natural sound would have really made the story; troopers crunching through the field, that sort of thing
JS KARE HE WAS BURNIN 7 7 6 6 Good witness. Tough location to get more shots, but it still could've used a few to keep it moving. Could've covered at least one more witness bite, especially since they're all the same framing.
3rd Place
Wade Smith KTVI
Judges Comments
RC KARE what could go wrong 5 5 5 5 Wrong category.
IP KARE what could go wrong - Intersting story, but wrong topic- this isn't spot news. I liked the sequencing of the shots in the piece. The short sound from several people stuck without a car made the piece move. But again, wrong category.
JS KARE what could go wrong 7 8 8 8 I like the pacing of this pkg. Good opening sequence. Good shots to keep it interesting for content that is essentially just people standing around.
Judges: KARE