9 9 7 9 Loved the suspense of waiting to see if the lights were going to come out. Extremely difficut to shoot in darkness and freezing cold. Very impressed with how light was used to make sure it was a stack of black video. Great story arc, great payoff.
9 8 8 10 Appreciate how well the limited "light show" was. Video looked great especially given such low light. Great story, great work between reporter & photographer.
9 10 8 8 Great use of the stills, not distracting, added to the story.
2nd Place
Sean Estes KTVK-KPHO, Phoenix, AZ "Paralympic Archer"
7 7 5 4 Great story structure, would have liked to see other perspectives.
7 8 7 5 Well organized story, great assembly of broll from limited shoot
8 7 4 5 Good story, textbook nararative, executed well
3rd Place
Michael Driver KATU, Portland, OR "Perfect Harmony"
9 9 8 7 Characters were great, execution of the funny small moments was top notch. Great story, photography carried the narraritive. Great work between photographer and reporter.
Honorable Mention
Steve Reusch KGTV, San Diego, CA "Rosecrans Wreaths"