1st Place
Michael BotsfordWFAA, Dallas "Gym Like No Other"
Judges Comments
MP-KOMO GYM LIKE NO OTHER 8 8 8 8 Had some really good sequencing. I really liked some of the angles you got with the GoPro.
FK-Komo GYM LIKE NO OTHER 8 9 8 7 Great job! I really liked the tight shots of the camera before we knew he was a photographer. This story is so broad, I think anyone would've had issues pulling it all together.
RS-KOMO GYM LIKE NO OTHER 8 9 9 8 lots of action, great sound, some of the gopro was great others really distracting,lots of characters and info
2nd Place
David SoltisKHOU, Houston "Renter's Rights"
Judges Comments
MP-KOMO Renter's Rights 8 8 8 8 I really liked the time-lapsed shots and Nats to speed up the pace of the story at the beginning as a creative alternative to just boring real-estate shots. The standups with graphics were also very creative. Editing effects weren't distracting either and helped speed up the pace of the story. Nice work.
FK-Komo Renter's Rights 9 8 9 9 Good job keeping the flow going all the way to the end. Your editing is very good. I'm not a fan of the wipes you used instead of dissolves, but you stuck with them and I can't fault you for that.
RS-KOMO Renter's Rights 9 9 9 9 great timelapse - graphics - editing
3rd Place
David SoltisKHOU, Houston "EZ Tag Ticket"
Judges Comments
MP-KOMO EZ Tag Ticket 7 7 7 7 Really liked the pace of the story. You were very consistent with the "look" of the story throughout the entire piece. You had a lot of creative elements with your editing. Nice job.
FK-Komo EZ Tag Ticket 6 6 8 5 You stayed with your look throughout which was good. Your editing was top notch. I didn't like a lot of the second camera stuff, I thought some more tight shots would've been helpful.
RS_KOMO EZ Tag Ticket 7 7 7 7 quick pace throughout, creative with effects, seeing the camera person throughout was distacting
Honorable Mention
Stephanie MattanWQAD, Moline "Sing Me A Story"
Judges Comments
MP-KOMO Sing me a story 6 7 7 7 I was a little confused why you started music of him playing while showing of a shot of the guy just sitting at his desk holding the guitar. He probably should have been playing if I'm hearing the music. You had a lot of really good Nat breaks but there were a few tracks that were broken up where the Nat breaks were a little too long so the reporter's tracks didn't make much sense because they were too fragmented of sentences. Good reaction shots with the family sitting on the couch listening to the guy playing the guitar.
FK-KOMO Sing me a story 5 6 8 6 Very creative. The camera on the door closing was neat, but didn't add anything to the story. The ending with the song playing while they were also reading it was pretty rough and confusing.
RS-KOMO Sing me a story 7 7 7 7 like the open, like the mix of audio pulling the spoken and singing words together,
Judges: KOMO, Seattle