1st Place
Cathaleen Curtiss, Mark Mulville, Sharon Cantillon, Robert Kirkham, Harry Scull Jr., Vince Chiaramonte The Buffalo News
3rd Place
Chris Rukan, Andrew Bradford, Elizabeth Hart, Olivier Laurent, Mansi Midha, Alice Martins, Lorenzo Tugnoli The Washington Post
Judges: Lydia Chebbine / US News & World Report, Brett Ziegler / US News & World Report, Avi Gupta / US News & World Report
Judges Comments
FIRST PLACE Quiet photography and clean design work together to create a beautiful unit. SECOND PLACEA unique pairing of photos draws in the viewer and the use of large format photography was a judicious choice, which helps the story’s narrative without relying on archival imagery. THIRD PLACE The story is well captured through this four-image edit while strong design choices tie together multiple narrative and aesthetic threads.